
Frequently asked questions

What are your opening hours?
Our opening hours are from Monday to Friday from 10.00hrs - 17.00hrs, last admission at 16.30hrs. Saturday from 11.00hrs - 16.00hrs, last admission 15.30hrs. On Sunday we are closed.
How long does it take to look around?
Your visit will last approx 45 mins to an hour.
Are there printed or audio guides?
There is a touch screen situated in boutique museum which explains all the artefacts within the museum.
Part of the visit includes is an Audio visual experience lasting approx 13 mins.
Leaflets with basic information on the site are available at the front desk.
Guided tours can be provided, these need to be booked before hand by sending an email on
Is there a shop or cafe?
We currently do not have a museum shop or cafe.
Do you have anywhere to store luggage?
We do not provide lockers, but you may leave your luggage at reception whilst you visit (at your own risk) We will not keep any luggage that does not belong to visitors.
How accessible is the museum?
The museum is completely accessible with the site being all on street level no stairs or steps within the site.
Is the museum suitable for families?
The museum is suitable for all age groups.